Lions District 4-C3 New Member Orientation

Lions District 4-C3 New Member Orientation
Thursday, October 30, 2008
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Dessert (no dinner, so eat before you come)
Lions Center for the Blind – Oakland
3834 Opal Street, Oakland
Please be sure that every new Lion
who has yet to attend a District Orientation,
and his or her sponsor, attends.
The purpose of the evening is to enjoy some fun
and fellowship, and to inform new Lions about this
great organization’s structure, history, reach and
purposes, with an emphasis on what Lions in
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties are doing
in our communities and the world.

Meeting on Tuesday 10/21

Just a friendly reminder - we have a meeting coming up. We will get the final count for the fund raiser and will be discussing plans for work parties for the Holiday season This Holiday season, more than any I can remember, is going to be tough for so many in our community. I hope we can come up with something to really make a difference! Put your thinking caps on and if you have an idea, please bring it to the meeting. It is helpful if you can do the back-up work (details - what - where - when) and bring it to the meeting.
Liz Lamach