Pictures from the Pasta Sauce Challenge
Picture Album on Facebook
Welcome to the Concord Lions Club 2013 Officers
Vice-President, Michelle Ladmirault
Club Secretary, Tisha Trette
Club Membership chairperson, Dawn Lopez
Peace Poster Contest
Our club winner took second in the District competition this year. Way to go. Here is our club winner and a picture of the contestants receiving there gift cards and certificates.
2012 Pasta Sauce Challenge rules and Challenger sign up form
2012 5th Annual Pasta Sauce Challenge
2012 Pasta Sauce Challenge
Do you think your special pasta sauce can beat out all of this years entry's?
Get your tickets now!
Matteo's Dream 5th Anniversary Celebration date set
New Officer's Installed for 2012-2013
Dean Cofer, President
The Pasta Sauce Challenge is upon us!!!
Lions Center for the Visually Impaired175 Alvarado Ave, Pittsburg, California
Saturday, October 15th, 2011
5 pm No Host Cocktails
6 pm the Pasta Sauce Challenge begins. Tickets for Adults are a low, low price of $15 and Children under 12 are $10 Everyone that attended last year's function raved about it!!!!!
Do you think your special pasta sauce can beat out all of this years entry's? Enter the Challenge for $25.00. Your entry includes two entry tickets.
Contact Elizabeth at 925/586-4425 or to sign up as a challenger or to buy tickets.
Next Meeting
They have a good All You Can Eat Pizza and Salad Bar. Lions start arriving as early as 6:00 PM to eat and socialize before the meeting starts.
Camp Concord
The Pasta Challenge is approaching
Get your tickets now for the Annual Pasta Sauce Challenge on October 15th. This years challenge is being held at the Lions Center for the Visually Impaired in Pittsburg. Tickets are now available. Contact your favorite Concord Lion for tickets or for more information.
Saturday, October 15th, 2011
5pm to 6pm No Host Cocktails
6 pm the Pasta Sauce Challenge begins.
Tickets for Adults are a low, low price of $15 and Children under 12 are $10
Everyone that attended last year's function raved about it!!!!!
Peace Poster Contest

Our 2009 Peace Poster was entered by students from Kings Valley Christian School in Concord. Mathew Lenhart was our winner. Unfortunately he did not win at the District level. Here are a few pictures of the posters. We presented all the entrants with art themed prizes and donated a gift card for art supplies to the art class. Here are a few of the entries.
1st Annual District 4C3 Pasta Challenge 11/7/09
Our first Annual District 4C3 Pasta Sauce Challenge is over. We had a great turnout with lot's of good pasta, bread, salad and desserts. Raffle prizes were plentiful and the drinks, provided by the Crocket Lions Club, were excellent. Our thanks to all of the District 4C3 Clubs who participated.
The Culinary Judges:
Peggy Stevenson, retired Nutrionist
Chef Tony, Catering Chef
Liz Cherene, Concord Lions Club
The Culinary Winners:
1st Place, Chuck Armes
2nd Place, Darlene Ridle
The Popular Vote Winners:
1st Place, Liz Lamach
2nd Place, Jan Valtr
Booby Prize, Michele Ladmirault
Thank You to all of our participants; we hope you bring your best sauce again next year!
Bay Area Crisis Nursery--Yard sale item sorting
6 Concord Lions and a couple of community volunteers spent 8 hours at the Bay Area Crisis Nursery sorting clothes, shoes, books, housewares, toys and just about every thing else you can imagine for the nursery's annual yard sale.
Friday & Saturday - September 18 & 19 - 8am-2pm Daily
Gift Wrapping at the Bay Area Crisis Nursery

6:00-8:00 PM on Monday 12-22-08. If you've never done this, you should. It's fun. The Concord Lion's Club will be joining with the Diablo Valley Mustang Association to wrap presents for
families at the Bay Area Crisis Nursery at the corner of Mendocino Way and Clayton Road. Call Elizabeth to RSVP if you can attend. Space is limited for this fun event.
Sensory Room Grand Opening
Saturday the 19th was the Grand Opening of the Sensory Room at Mountain View Elementary. Even though the room has been in use since the beginning of the school year, the final upgrades were just completed. The most notable final addition was the sink counter covered in custom made tiles painted by Lion's Club members and local children. The businesses featured on the tiles donated most of the materials that made this project possible.
Lions District 4-C3 New Member Orientation
Thursday, October 30, 2008
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Dessert (no dinner, so eat before you come)
Lions Center for the Blind – Oakland
3834 Opal Street, Oakland
Please be sure that every new Lion
who has yet to attend a District Orientation,
and his or her sponsor, attends.
The purpose of the evening is to enjoy some fun
and fellowship, and to inform new Lions about this
great organization’s structure, history, reach and
purposes, with an emphasis on what Lions in
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties are doing
in our communities and the world.
Meeting on Tuesday 10/21
Liz Lamach
Saturday, Aug. 23 Sensory Room
We spent about two hours working today and the Concord Lions Club portion of the Sensory Room is complete. The tile counter still needs to be laid after the tiles return from firing and there's some decorating left to complete, but the major construction is done. Watch here for news on the schedule for the Grand Opening.
Tuesday, Aug. 19 Fundraiser Photo's
The fundraiser at La Tapatia was a huge success! It was standing room only and diners actually overflowed the banquet room and had to be served in the main dining room and on the patio. Guest included a group of exchange students from Japan and Europe who were being sponsored by our friends at the Crocket Lion's Club. Here are some pictures from the event.
Final Work Party at the Sensory Room
Saturday, August 24th 12 Noon until 2:30
We will be:
Touching up the base boards with primer, Caulking the seams and corners (bring your caulk guns - I have caulk), Running our hands all over the carpet to make sure we have no loose staples which could attack children (bring hammers), final sweep of the classroom and general clean-up, Hang the TV (Bracket is on the wall - just need expertise and muscle).
Please let me know if we can anticipate your participation.
Liz LamachWork Day at Matteo's Dream - August 16, 2008

We received a very nice e-mail for our work at Matteo's Dream and I am re-printing here with permission for all to see:
Thank you to all for your hard work on Saturday. Looks like a very productive and successful day!
Thanks to all of you for your continued commitment to Matteo's Dream and for all the other wonderful projects the Concord Lions Club works on to make our community a better place, especially for our children.
Joan Carrico
Director of Community and Recreation Services
City of Concord
Fundraiser News
La Tapatia Restaurant 1802 Willow Pass Rd.
76 tickets have been sold and it should be an extremely exciting event. There's still room if you want to attend. Contact any club member for your tickets.
Club Roster added
Matteo's Dream Work Party on 8/16/08
We had a great day!
The turn out for the Pancake Breakfast was disappointing. Likely due to the District Meetings going on, but the pancakes, sausage and eggs were really good...
Work tasks for the day were to repaint the rock climbing wall, reinforce the entrance sign and replace the conveyor belt bridges.
Dean had the lead on the sign and it went pretty well. It barely sags and no longer leans forward. Hopefully, this will solve the problem permanently.
Bill led a crew to replace the bridges. It wasn't easy; they spent a lot of time laying down working under a bridge that was only 6-10 inches off of the ground. The conveyor belt bridges are now rebuilt to Code and the kids should be enjoying them as I type this.
Megan led the way to repaint the rock climbing wall that was damaged in a fire last year. The crew chose to start with a fresh coat of gray and started from scratch. A full day of painting later, the orange Matteo's Dream Dragon is back and ready to welcome kids as they climb up the wall.
Oh, I almost forgot, as a bonus I brought a pressure washer out and Liz, Renee and Mark took turns and washed almost the entire playground while Dave sanded and scrubbed off graffiti. It looks so fresh and clean now...
Next Work Party, Sensory Room
Club Fundraiser and Installation
Our first official fund raiser is scheduled on Tuesday, August 19th (our regular meeting night) from 6:00 - 8:30 PM.
It is a dinner at La Tapatia Restaurant in Concord. We are looking for each member to sell a minimum of Five tickets.
The price of tickets are: $15.00 per adult meal and $8.00 for child. This includes a 2 item combo dinner (items 0-5 on their menu), tax, tip and an entry into our exciting door prize drawing (which will be wonderful). Beverages are not included (Children tickets are not included in the door prize drawing). People can arrive between 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM. We will be providing desserts for our guests (please let me know if you would like to bring something). During the evening we will be holding a raffle event. We ask that each Lion bring something for the raffle. Talk to businesses you frequent regularly - most are good about providing gift certificates. As you determine what you will be bringing - please let me know so I can make sure we have enough to entice our guests to purchase raffle tickets.
The night of the event, we will have a master list of all tickets paid for - as people arrive we will have a meal certificate waiting for everyone who has paid. They will present the certificate at the time of ordering.
We should be able to turn this into a decent fund raiser for our club and a really fun evening. I hope to hear from all of you about participation in this exciting event.
Liz LamachPresident, Concord Lions Club
Welcome to the home of the Concord Lions Club
Dean Cofer
Concord Lions Club
2nd Vice President
Special Projects