We had a great day!
The turn out for the Pancake Breakfast was disappointing. Likely due to the District Meetings going on, but the pancakes, sausage and eggs were really good...
Work tasks for the day were to repaint the rock climbing wall, reinforce the entrance sign and replace the conveyor belt bridges.
Dean had the lead on the sign and it went pretty well. It barely sags and no longer leans forward. Hopefully, this will solve the problem permanently.
Bill led a crew to replace the bridges. It wasn't easy; they spent a lot of time laying down working under a bridge that was only 6-10 inches off of the ground. The conveyor belt bridges are now rebuilt to Code and the kids should be enjoying them as I type this.
Megan led the way to repaint the rock climbing wall that was damaged in a fire last year. The crew chose to start with a fresh coat of gray and started from scratch. A full day of painting later, the orange Matteo's Dream Dragon is back and ready to welcome kids as they climb up the wall.
Oh, I almost forgot, as a bonus I brought a pressure washer out and Liz, Renee and Mark took turns and washed almost the entire playground while Dave sanded and scrubbed off graffiti. It looks so fresh and clean now...